Monday, June 29, 2009

Things I Don't Like

I don't like crooked you? If Nick wears his baseball hat in a crooked fashion, I immediately tell him to change it. Right now, I am watching a movie and Anne Hathaway has on a very stylish hat, but it's crooked - oh my! What to do? The thing is, I've been realizing lately that it's not just crooked hats I don't like. There are actually several things I don't like. Such as:

-mash potatoes with lumps (I was once forced to eat them, and I gagged)
-early morning
-cooked cabbage
-waitresses who forget if it was me or Richard who had iced tea
-a bad movie I paid to see
-people who bitch about all the crap they don't like
-elderly people who smoke while wearing oxygen
-the fringy things that hang on the car wash spinner thingies.

Before I continue to reveal my obvious freakishness, I will stop there. Unfortunately, there are many other things that bug me. Why do so many things bug me? This has been a topic with my therapist and also a quite vivid argument in my own mind. I have come to a few conclusions (now, these may seem obvious to you, but this has been quite revealing for me):

-I am judgmental - more judgmental than I would like to be and definitely more judgmental than my christian faith would have me be.

-Easy-goingness is part personality trait and part choice. I don't have it going for me in the personality department on this one, so I'll have to focus on choices.

-A good frame of reference: in the big scheme of things, does this really matter? and even more importantly, can I do anything about it? If the answer to these is no - time to move on.

This all looks fine and dandy on paper, but actually adjusting to this frame of reference is another thing entirely. Just like eating an entire bag of doritos, complaining, whining, and judging may feel oh so good at the time, but just as soon as you are finished, regret inevitably follows.

I am not writing this, so that people will write back and say, "It's okay," or "Really, you aren't THAT much of a bitch," but rather to share with you what I am personally working on and towards. If you see me snapping a rubber band on my wrist, it is probably because I have just been snarky to someone or at the very least about someone. But hey, I'm working on it! : )


  1. I had to laugh about the mashed potatoes......Mark LOVES the lumps......I always make him lumpy mashed potatoes....isn't it funny the things that drive us NUTS!!!

  2. Thank you for sharing all of this - you being so open about your life is definitely a good thing and I look forward to reading this blog when I can. Many of us (myself included) have lists like this too. I love the "good frame of reference" point, I need to work on that as well sometimes.

    I love the bit about the waitress forgetting who had the iced tea. Having seen what you do to wait staff, I would definitely not want to be your waiter if I screwed something up :).
